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Ministerial Meetings

Trilateral Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting Latest Event : 2019.12.22
12th Trilateral Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting

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  • 2019.12.22
  • Beijing, China
■ Participants
China: ZHONG Shan, Minister, Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM)
ROK: SUNG Yunmo, Minister, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE)
Japan: KAJIYAMA Hiroshi, Minister, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) ​

■ Agenda
- Regional and Multilateral Cooperation
1) RCEP; 2) CJK FTA; 3) WTO/G20/APEC;
4) Regional cooperation; 5) Joint advancement into the 4th country market (CJK+ cooperation)
- Pragmatic Cooperation
1) Digital economy (including the comment of the TCS's presentation);
2) Connectivity; 3) Energy (LNG/energy transition); 4) Aging society​

■ Documents
1. Joint Media Statement of the 12th China-Korea-Japan Economic and Trade Ministers’ Meeting​
2. Joint Study “Trilateral Cooperation on E-Commerce”​​
11th Trilateral Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting

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  • 2016.10.26
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Joint response to protectionist trade policies
Speeding up of the trilateral FTA and RCEP
Strengthening cooperation in multi-party structures such as the WTO, G20, APEC
Agreed on six main areas (digital singles market, LNG, supply chain linkage, Olympic
economy, joint entry to 4th countries, expanding regional exchange)
10th Trilateral Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting

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  • 2015.10.30
  • Seoul, Korea
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
TCS: Deputy Secretary-General

1. Discussion on common issues
2. Evaluation of the existing cooperation frameworks
3. Proposal of new cooperation projects

The three ministers exchanged in-depth discussions on the topics such as CJK FTA and RCEP negotiations; cooperation in multilateral frameworks like WTO, G20 and APEC; SMEs; Intellectual Property; energy, fourth-party-market; and Supply Chain Connectivity etc.
Deputy Secretary-General LEE Jong-heon of TCS reported development of trilateral cooperation to the Ministers.

Joint Statement on Economy and Trade Cooperation
9th Trilateral Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting

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  • 2012.05.12
  • Beijing, China
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

1. Trilateral Investment Agreement and Trilateral FTA
2. Global and regional cooperation
3. Other cooperative issues

1. Trilateral Investment Agreement and Trilateral FTA
The three Ministers welcomed the conclusion of the Trilateral Investment Agreement which is to be signed at the 5th Trilateral Summit.
The three Ministers agreed to recommend to the 5th Trilateral Summit that the Trilateral FTA negotiation should be launched within this year. Also, the three countries shared the view to start preparation work including domestic procedures and working level consultations.

2. Global and regional cooperation
The three Ministers reaffirmed to work towards concluding the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) as well as launching negotiations of the WTO Information Technology Agreement (ITA). China stressed the need for trilateral cooperation in ensuring preferential treatment
to the Least Developed Countries (LDC), which was agreed at the WTO’s 8th Ministerial Conference in December, 2011.

The three Ministers affirmed to cooperate for recovery of the world economy and to resist protectionism. Japan mentioned the need of maintaining the liberalization mechanism such as standstill and rollback to prevent protectionism actions of nations.

The three Ministers agreed to further strengthen cooperation under APEC. They agreed to promote visualization of international supply chain and to take concrete actions for promoting green growth reached at the APEC Honolulu Declaration. Also, the three Ministers confirmed the importance of effective, non-discriminatory and market-driven innovation policies.

East Asian Economic Integration
The three Ministers agreed to promote East Asian economic integration and to establish the ASEAN Plus Working Groups (APWGs) without delay for the early launch of the negotiations for a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Japan emphasized the launch of the negotiations at least by the next ASEAN Summit held in

Joint Press Release of the 9th Economic & Trade Ministers Meeting (2012.05.12)
8th Trilateral Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting

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  • 2011.04.24
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

1. The impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on trade and investment
2. The trilateral economic cooperation including the Trilateral Investment Agreement and CJK FTA Joint Study

1. The Great East Japan Earthquake
The three Ministers expressed their deep condolences toward the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011 and the aftermath. Also, the Minister of Japan expressed his gratitude to China and the ROK for their support. Japan explained the measures taken by the Government of Japan to cope with the aftermaths of the Earthquake and the Ministers of China and the ROK expressed their hope for Japan’s quick recovery

The three Ministers also shared the view that it is important to continue to secure the prompt and smooth flow of goods and persons in the Asian region recovering the supply chain disrupted by the Earthquake

2. Economic Cooperation among the three countries
The three Ministers reassured that the maintenance and development of a free and open trade system will secure vigorous and sustainable growth of all three countries. They also reaffirmed to resist protectionism in all forms.
FTA Joint Study and Investment Agreement

The three Ministers shared the view of the need for accelerating the work of the Joint Study Committee and decided to report this consensus to the 4th Trilateral Summit Meeting. Also, the three Ministers shared the view of the need to make further efforts to reach a substantive agreement in the Trilateral Investment Agreement negotiation as early as possible.

3. Regional and Global Cooperation
The three Ministers reaffirmed to strengthen trilateral cooperation in major global and regional fora such as G20, the WTO, APEC, ASEAN plus 3 Summit and East Asian Summit.

Joint Statement of the 8th Economic & Trade Ministers Meeting (Apr 24th, 2011)
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Senior Officials' Meetings

Trilateral FTA Negotiations Latest Event : 2019.11.27 ~ 2019.11.29
16th Trilateral FTA Negotiations
  • 2019.11.27 ~ 2019.11.29
  • Seoul, Korea
•China: Ministry of Commerce
•Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
•ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy​

​1) Discussions on market access and rules (such as electronic commerce and intellectual property)
2) Negotiations toward the conclusion of comprehensive, high-level and mutually beneficial agreement, based on the progress of RCEP.
15th Trilateral FTA Negotiations
  • 2019.04.09 ~ 2019.04.12
  • Tokyo, Japan
•China: Ministry of Commerce
•Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
•ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy​

​1) Discussions on market access and rules (such as electronic commerce and intellectual property)
2) Negotiations toward the conclusion of comprehensive, high-level and mutually beneficial agreement, based on the progress of RCEP.
14th Trilateral FTA Negotiations
  • 2018.12.06
  • Beijing, China
• China: Ministry of Commerce
• Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy​

The three parties agreed that the next round of negotiations will be held in Japan. The three parties will resume the working group meeting from the next round of negotiations and conduct substantive consultations on issues such as trade in goods, trade in services and investment.​
13th Trilateral FTA Negotiations
  • 2018.03.22
  • Seoul, Korea
• China: Ministry of Commerce
• Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy​

• Discussions on modality and services
• Information sharing on policy and system in services, finance, and communication areas​
12th Trilateral FTA Negotiations
  • 2017.04.13
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Modality, way of liberalization in services and investments


1.Discussed modality, way of liberalization in services, investment as well as e-commerce, IPR, government procurement, competion, finance, communication and movement of natural persons
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Director-Generals' Meetings

Trilateral FTA Negotiations (DG) Latest Event : 2018.03.23
13th Trilateral FTA Negotiations (DG)
  • 2018.03.23
  • Seoul, Korea
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

• Discussions on modality and services
• Information sharing on policy and system in services, finance, and communication areas
12th Trilateral FTA Negotiations (DG)
  • 2017.04.13
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

• Additional negotiation on new areas such as finance, communication, free movement of natural persons, e-commerce, IPR, government procurement and so on.
11th Trilateral FTA Negotiations (DG)
  • 2017.01.11
  • Seoul, Korea
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

19 areas through working groups (goods, services, investment, origins, customs, SPS, TBT, competition, IPR, e-commerce and so on)
10th Trilateral FTA Negotiations (DG)
  • 2016.04.05 ~ 2016.04.08
  • Seoul, Korea
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
9th Trilateral FTA Negotiations (DG)
  • 2015.12.14 ~ 2015.12.18
  • Hakone, Japan
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
China: Ministry of Commerce
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Negotiations for the Trilateral Investment Agreement Latest Event : 2012.05.13
Signing of the Trilateral Investment Agreement

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  • 2012.05.13
  • Beijing, China
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

As agreed at the 9th Trilateral Economic and Trade Ministers’ Meeting on May 12, 2012 in Beijing, China, the three Parties signed the Agreement among the three governments for the Promotion, Facilitation and Protection of Investment at the 5th Trilateral Summit on May13, 2012 in Beijing, China.

This Agreement is the first legal framework among the three countries in the field of economy.

This agreement also facilitates a better investment environment through the development of higher rules and commitments based on the existing bilateral investment agreements

Agreement among the three Governments for the Promotion Facilitation and Protection of Investment (2012.5.13)
13th Negotiations for the Trilateral Investment Agreement
  • 2012.03.02
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The three Parties had extensive consultations on the articles of the Agreement, such as National Treatment, Prohibition of Performance Requirement, Most-Favored-Nation Treatment, Property rights, Transparency, and Investor-State Dispute Settlement. The three Parties agreed to conclude the negotiations at the earliest date.
12th Negotiations for the Trilateral Investment Agreement
  • 2010.11.26
  • Beijing, China
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

1. National Treatment, Performance Requirement, Principles of Investment Agreement, Responsibility for Investor, Relation to other Agreement, Most-Favored-Nation Treatment, etc.
2. Agreed to speed up the negotiation and make efforts for early conclusion
11th Negotiations for the Trilateral Investment Agreement
  • 2010.07.02
  • Gyeongju, Korea
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

1. Exchange of opinions about the basic problem point of negotiation again, and shared the views on current situation.
2. Discussed about the method of the forward negotiation.
10th Negotiations for the Trilateral Investment Agreement
  • 2010.04.15
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Agreed to speed up the negotiation and make efforts for early conclusion
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Working-Level Meetings

Joint Study on the Trilateral FTA Latest Event : 2012.03.30
The Release of the Joint Study Report

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  • 2012.03.30
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Regional Bureau of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The full text of the Joint Study Report for the trilateral FTA was released on Mar 30th, 2012. This report was drafted based on the 7 rounds of the discussions in the Joint Study Committee during 2010 and 2011. The result of the Joint Study Committee was reported to leaders of the three countries on the occasion of the 5th Trilateral Summit in May 2012.

Joint Study Report for a trilateral FTA (2012.03.30)
7th Joint Study on the Trilateral FTA
  • 2011.12.16
  • Pyeongchang, Korea
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Regional Bureau of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Academic and Private Sector Participants of the three countries

Conclusion of the Joint Study Issuing of a Joint Statement of the Joint Study Committee

The three countries announced that they reached a consensus on the remaining issues and concluded the Joint Study on the Trilateral FTA among government officials, business and academic participants. The Joint Study Report contains chapters, among others, General Trade and Economic Relations among the three countries, Trade in goods, Trade in services,
Investment, Other Issues, together with General Conclusions and Recommendations. It argues that the Trilateral FTA is feasible and could bring benefits to all the three countries. The three countries agreed to publicize the Joint Study Report before the Trilateral Summit in 2012, after finalizing the revisions on the drafts.

Joint Statement of the Joint Study Committee for CJK FTA (2011.11.16)
6th Joint Study on the Trilateral FTA
  • 2011.09.02
  • Changchun, China
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry
ROK: Regional Bureau of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Academic and Private Sector Participants of the three countries

The three countries examined the first draft of chapter on “others”, which deals with rules such as intellectual property rights, and cooperation such as in fishery, industry and food, and reached consensus on the clause for competition policy. They finished the second review on the chapters of trade in goods, trade in services, and investment. They also conducted a prior consultation on the chapters of general conclusions and policy recommendations.
5th Joint Study on the Trilateral FTA
  • 2011.06.28
  • Kitakyushu, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry
ROK: Regional Bureau of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Academic and Private Sector Participants of the three countries

The three countries finished examining the first draft of chapters on investment and trade in services, and decided to further discuss the controversial issues such as the range of liberalization on services. They also finished examining the first draft of chapters on rules of origin, trade rules, custom procedures and trade facilitation, sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS), and technical barriers to trade (TBT).
4th Joint Study on the Trilateral FTA
  • 2011.04.01
  • Jeju, Korea
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry
ROK: Regional Bureau of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Academic and Private Sector Participants of the three countries

The three countries discussed the first draft of introduction part of the Joint Study Report, chapters on general economic relations among the three countries and trade in goods. The three countries also had a working-level meeting prior to the Joint Study Committee meeting and discussed issues of rules of origin, trade rules, custom procedures and trade facilitation, sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS), and technical barriers to trade (TBT).
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Joint Research on a Possible Free Trade Agreement Latest Event : 2009.09.02
7th Joint Research on a Possible Free Trade Agreement

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  • 2009.09.02
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Development Research Center of the State Council
Japan: National Institute for Research Advancement(2003~2008), Institute of Developing Economies of Japan External Trade Organization (2015~)
ROK: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

Assessment of the impacts of the recent Global
Economic Crisis on trade in Northeast Asia as an important issue of research

The three research institutes embarked upon a new phase of the Joint Research on a Trilateral FTA in 2009. They conducted research on the impacts of the global economic crisis on trade in the region as well as trade facilitation in regional trade agreements. They co-organized an international seminar on September 2 in Tokyo, Japan, and publicized the Joint Research Report and Policy Recommendations on a Free Trade Agreement between China, Japan and Korea – Phase 2 Road to Recovery of Regional Trade and Trade Facilitation in the CJKFTA in October. The major points of the report are as follows:

1. Global Economic Crisis and a Trilateral FTA .
The intra-regional trade has become the crucial element for China, Japan and ROK. The trade structure of the three countries has fragility of depending excessively on the final demand of the United States and Europe. Although most recently their economy and trade begin to show signs of recovery, their production and trade volumes still remain remarkably below the pre-crisis levels. To compensate for the slowing demand in the US and the EU, a larger regional market is needed. The Trilateral FTA can create a larger market, and will certainly further boost the already-important intra-regional trade and investment, and raise efficiency of the three economies.

2. Trade Facilitation.
Trade facilitation has been recognized as an effective tool to reduce trade costs. Some of the trade facilitation measures, such as harmonizing various trade-related procedures and standards, have a nature of positive externality as well as trade concession. The Trilateral FTA will provide a good opportunity to realize such benefits.

3. Upgrading the Joint Research on the Trilateral FTA to governmental level.
The Trilateral FTA would ensure the liberalized trade environment in the region. Discussion on the Trilateral FTA should be commenced among three government officials by upgrading the present academic mechanism to government level from 2010.

Joint Research Report and Policy Recommendations on a Free Trade Agreement between China, Japan and Korea - Phase 2 Road to Recovery of Regional Trade and Trade Facilitation in the CJKFTA (2009.10)
6th Joint Research on a Possible Free Trade Agreement

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  • 2008.08.01
  • Beijing, China
China: Development Research Center of the State Council
Japan: National Institute for Research Advancement(2003~2008), Institute of Developing Economies of Japan External Trade Organization (2014~)
ROK: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

The three countries’ FTA policies, the obstacles and expectations of the Trilateral FTA, the role of the Trilateral FTA for a region-wide .

The three institutes conducted a joint research on the three countries’ FTA policies, obstacles and expectations of the Trilateral FTA, and the role of the Trilateral FTA for a regional FTA in East Asia. Summarizing the outcomes of their previous studies, they
announced that they successfully concluded the six-year joint research project on “Economic Effects of a Possible CJK FTA.” They co-organized an international seminar on 1 in Beijing, China and publicized the Joint Report and Policy Recommendations
on the Possible Roadmaps of a Free Trade Agreement between China, Japan and Korea in December. The main points of the report are as follows:

1. The FTA policies of the three countries and the Roadmaps of the Trilateral FTA.
The FTA partners of both China and Japan are mainly composed of neighboring countries and developing countries, while ROK conducted or completed FTA negotiations with major developed countries. Although all three countries are actively pursuing region-wide economic integration in East Asia, the progress of the free trade relations among the three countries is very slow due to non-economic factors, such as historical issues. The three research institutes recommend three government to consider a possible Trilateral FTA and exchange views on it in timely manner so that they can probe into the feasible measures on how to overcome the obstacles and maximize the benefits.

Joint Report and Policy Recommendations on the Possible Roadmaps of a Free Trade Agreement between China, Japan and Korea (2008.12)
5th Joint Research on a Possible Free Trade Agreement

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  • 2007.09.17
  • Seoul, Korea
China: Development Research Center of the State Council
Japan: National Institute for Research Advancement(2003~2008), Institute of Developing Economies of Japan External Trade Organization (2013~)
ROK: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

The sectoral implications of the Trilateral FTA for major manufacturing and service industries, as well as the agriculture and fishery industries.

The three institutes undertook a comprehensive study on the economic effects of the Trilateral FTA in 2007, reflecting the quick change in China’s trade structure, and the speedy proliferation of bilateral FTAs. The joint research addressed the sectoral implications of the Trilateral FTA by analyzing their competitiveness and tariff structures, as well as the sensitive sectors reflected in the FTAs that the three countries concluded.

They co-organized an international seminar on September 17 in Seoul, ROK, and publicized the Joint Report and Policy Recommendations on Possibilities and Prospects for a China-Japan-Korea FTA in November. The main points of the report are as follows:
1. Rationales for the Trilateral FTA.
The study shows that the share of intra-regional trade among the three countries has remarkably increased in the past 15 years. Also, all the three countries have a large share of the world’s manufacturing production. Thus, trade liberalization will contribute the most to the overall welfare gains by expanding the regional market, optimizing the resource allocation, and creating a more competitive environment.

2. The challenge of agricultural and fishery industries.
Agricultural and fishery industries in the three countries are relatively weak and heavily protected by tariff and non-tariff barriers. The three countries should pay special attention to these sectors and take advantage of the process of the Trilateral FTA to facilitate
structural adjustment in these sectors.

3. Enhance service industries at the world level.
For services trade, the three countries lag behind the developed countries in North America and Europe. Liberalization of services would raise the competitiveness and quality of service sectors by introducing competition.

Joint Report and Policy Recommendations on Possibilities and Prospects for a China Japan Korea FTA (2007.11)
4th Joint Research on a Possible Free Trade Agreement

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  • 2006.09.29
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Development Research Center of the State Council
Japan: National Institute for Research Advancement(2003~2008), Institute of Developing Economies of Japan External Trade Organization (2012~)
ROK: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

Visions and tasks of a Trilateral FTA

Concluding the three-year project of the joint research on the Trilateral FTA, the three institutes extended the studies to the service sectors, and examined other important issues such as rules of origin and sensitive sectors. They co-organized an international seminar on “Visions and Tasks of a Trilateral FTA” on September 29 in Tokyo, Japan, and publicized the Joint Report and Policy Recommendations concerning a Free Trade Agreement among the three countries in December. The main points of the report are as follows:

1. The Trilateral FTA should include liberalization of the service industries
The joint research conducted in 2006 indicates that the service sector of each of the three countries displays a comparative disadvantage, and improvement of productivity will be a challenge, especially in important areas such as logistics and the wholesale and retail trades. On the other hand, extensive exemptions of service industries from the Trilateral FTA would weaken the effect of enhanced competition achieved through trade liberalization, thus reducing the overall benefits to the three countries by the FTA. After all, the joint research concluded that the trilateral FTA should include extensive liberalization of the service industries.

2. Rules of Origin
Incompatibility between the Rules of Origin of the FTAs that the three countries concluded would result in the increase in trade costs and the reduction of the economic benefits of the Trilateral FTA as well as East Asia-wide FTA. The three countries should be aware of the importance of minimizing the incompatibilities between their FTAs in terms of the Rules of Origin.

Joint Report and Policy Recommendations concerning a Free Trade Agreement among the three countries (2006.12.11)
3rd Joint Research on a Possible Free Trade Agreement

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  • 2005.09.26
  • Beijing, China
China: Development Research Center of the State Council
Japan: National Institute for Research Advancement(2003~2008), Institute of Developing Economies of Japan External Trade Organization (2011~)
ROK: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

Visions and tasks of a Trilateral FTA

The three research institutes conducted the sectoral analysis on fishery, textile and steel. On the basis of the joint research, the three institutes co-organized an international symposium on September 26 in Beijing, China, and published the Joint Report and Policy Recommendations on Towards a CJKFTA: Visions and Tasks in November. The main points are as follows:

1. The Trilateral FTA as means of multilateral trade liberalization
The Trilateral FTA should pursue not merely the maximization of mutual interest, but also jointly promote the multilateral trade liberalization process, opening markets to other East Asian countries to play constructive roles in achieving the long-term goal of establishing an “East Asian Community.”

2. The Trilateral FTA as the mid-term goal for the establishment of EAFTA
Compared with the progress of APEC trade liberalization plan or ASEAN FTA plans, the three countries are relatively lagging behind in forging mutual free trade relationship. Without the Trilateral FTA, the process of regional economic cooperation in East Asia would slow down. The three countries need to set the Trilateral FTA as a medium-term objective for the establishment of the East Asia FTA.

Joint Report and Policy Recommendations on Towards a CJKFTA: Visions and Tasks (2005.11.28)
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Government Consultations on Legal Framework of Trilateral Investment Latest Event : 2006.12.05
6th Government Consultations on Legal Framework of Trilateral Investment
  • 2006.12.05
  • Beijing, China
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The working-level coordination for Trilateral Investment Agreement was concluded and the three parties confirmed to enter into official negotiation.
5th Government Consultations on Legal Framework of Trilateral Investment
  • 2006.04.13
  • Seoul, Korea
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Discussed the factors which enhance predictability and transparency of investments for possible trilateral investment arrangements among the three countries.
4th Government Consultations on Legal Framework of Trilateral Investment
  • 2005.12.02
  • Xiamen, China
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Discussed the factors which enhance predictability and transparency of investments for possible trilateral investment arrangements among the three countries.
3rd Government Consultations on Legal Framework of Trilateral Investment
  • 2005.10.14
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Discussed the factors which enhance predictability and transparency of investments for possible trilateral investment arrangements among the three countries.
2nd Government Consultations on Legal Framework of Trilateral Investment
  • 2005.08.12
  • Seoul, Korea
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

1. Discussed the promotion, protection and liberalization of investment for possible trilateral investment arrangements among the three countries.
2. Agreed on the conclusion of report on the matter by the next meeting.
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Joint Study on Modality of Trilateral Investment Arrangements Period Latest Event : 2004.09.17
4th Joint Study on Modality of Trilateral Investment Arrangements

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  • 2004.09.17
  • Tokyo, Japan
Representatives from the government, business and academia of the three countries

The JSG concluded the joint study and compiled the final report. The outline of the report is as follows:
1. The promotion of investment will enhance the dynamism of the Trilateral economic relationship and contribute to the creation of a win-win-win situation, and that further investment promotion will create a basis for economic integration in North East Asia.

2. The three countries need to make efforts to promote investment on the basis of the actual needs as well as the importance of addressing specific problems raised by investors.

3. The business environment should be improved in order to enhance investment among the three countries and the three countries implement the measures as soon as possible on which consensus was reached at the JSG.

4. A legal framework concerning investment among the three countries should be explored in a timely manner.

Report of Joint Study Group on Possible Trilateral Investment Arrangements (2004.11)
3rd Joint Study on Modality of Trilateral Investment Arrangements
  • 2004.07.20
  • Beijing, China
Representatives from the government, business and academia of the three countries.

1. The economic effect of investment promotion
Despite the increase in traditional simple green-field FDI (foreign direct investment), the three countries still have ample room to tap their potential compared to EU and NAFTA. The future task for the three countries is to expand business opportunities through increasing cross holdings by M&A and strategic FDI.

2. Improvement of the business environment
The JSG suggested the introduction of no action letter system and public comment system, the establishment of a court system for intellectual property rights, etc. to enhance the transparency in investment-related laws and regulations. They also suggested the three countries to conduct capacity building programs for local government officials to promote coherence of national and local administration.

3. The international rule on investment
The JSG discussed that the three countries should adopt high-level liberalization rules in line with the WTO for the possible investment arrangement among the three countries while paying attention to the difference in the development stages of them.

4. Report to the leaders of the three countries
The JSG agreed to include the following items in the report to leaders of the three countries;
1) The economic effects of enhancement of investment
2) The improvement of business environment
3) The reinforcement of relevant investment arrangements
The JSG reaffirmed that the report will be submitted to the Trilateral Economic DirectorGeneral Meeting for deliberation, and then to the three leaders.
2nd Joint Study on Modality of Trilateral Investment Arrangements
  • 2004.05.18
  • Seoul, Korea
Representatives from the government, business and academia of the three countries.

1. The economic effect of investment promotion among the three countries
The JSG stressed that trade promotion among the three countries would result in the introduction of high technology, adjustment of industry structure and creation of employment, leading to economic growth of the three countries. If the development of intraregional investment among the three countries brings about increase in horizontal intraindustry trade, it would contribute to further promotion of economic integration in East Asia, and lay the groundwork for a possible Trilateral FTA.

2. Improvement of the business environment
The JSG took note of Chinese efforts in the improvement of business environment, and expected for China to ensure the transparency in rules, to reinforce protection of investor’s rights and intellectual property rights, and to implement rules and regulations consistently
at both a national and local level.

3. The strengthening of the investment rule
The JSG argued that pre-establishment national treatment is beneficial to investors and it is possible for the possible investment agreement among the three countries to include this principle.
1st Joint Study on Modality of Trilateral Investment Arrangements
  • 2004.03.09
  • Tokyo, Japan
Representatives from the government, business and academia of the three countries.

1. The current status of investments among the three countries
The Joint Study Group (JSG) acknowledged that the promotion of investment will enhance the dynamism of the trilateral economic relationship and contribute to the creation of a win-win situation. They also pointed out that the level of intra-regional investment is relatively low and there is a room for improvement.

2. Improvement of the business environment and law-amendment
The JSG pointed to the need for further improving investment-related law system and its enforcement of the three countries.

3. The international rule of investment
The JSG pointed out that the trend of investment agreement is shifting toward liberalization reflecting developing countries’ efforts to attract foreign capitals. The JSG suggested that possible investment agreement among the three countries can make reference to the high-level investment agreement between ROK and Japan.
Government Consultations on the Improvement of Business Environment Latest Event : 2010.04.15
16th Government Consultations on the Improvement of Business Environment
  • 2010.04.15
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Follow up on the Action Agenda which was issued in December, 2008
15th Government Consultations on the Improvement of Business Environment
  • 2009.12.24
  • Shanghai, China
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Follow up on the Action Agenda which was issued in December, 2008
14th Government Consultations on the Improvement of Business Environment
  • 2009.09.17
  • Seoul, Korea
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Follow up on the Action Agenda which was issued in December, 2008
13th Government Consultations on the Improvement of Business Environment
  • 2009.07.23
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Shared the information on the measures conducted by the three countries and improvement of specific cases.
12th Government Consultations on the Improvement of Business Environment
  • 2009.04.15
  • Kunming, China
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
ROK: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Confirmed the necessity of follow up on the Action Agenda which has been published in December, 2008.
1 2 3 4
Yellow Sea Rim Economic and Technological Conference Latest Event : 2022.11.25
20th Yellow Sea Rim Economic and Technologic Conference
  • 2022.11.25
  • Busan, Korea (Online)
■ Participants
• ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
​• China: Ministry of Commerce
• Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Kyushu Bureau)

■ Agenda
​​1. Economic and technological regional cooperation
2. Inter-regional exchange
19th Yellow Sea Rim Economic and Technologic Conference
  • 2021.11.16
  • Kumamoto, Japan (Online)
■ Participants​​
•Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Kyushu Bureau)
•ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
•China: Ministry of Commerce

■ Agenda
​1. Business in response to infectious disease
2. Environment & Energy Business
3. Regional cooperation
18th Yellow Sea Rim Economic and Technological Conference
  • 2019.11.20 ~ 2019.11.22
  • Jining, China
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Kyushu Bureau)
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

1. Plenary Meeting
2. Yellow Sea Rim Business Forum
3. China-Japan-Korea International Industrial Cooperation Forum
4. Trilateral Director-Generals’ Meeting
5. Other events:
Awarding Ceremony


1. Plenary Meeting
Under the theme of ‘Promotion of Exchange between Regions’ and ‘Creation of New Industries and New Markets through Innovation’,

2. Yellow Sea Rim Business Forum
Three countries introduced best practices and discussed relevant cooperative agendas in the fields of high-end equipment manufacturing, biomedical/ medical/health industry, and environmental protection energy.

3. China-Japan-Korea International Industrial Cooperation Forum
Three countries made presentations and shared the construction of industrial parks, management models, investment policies and experiences in each country, and discussed cooperation measures.

4. Trilateral Director-Generals’ Meeting
Three parties exchanged opinions on common issues and the direction of future efforts to promote interregional exchanges in the Yellow Sea Rim region and create new industries and new markets through innovation.
17th Yellow Sea Rim Economic and Technological Conference
  • 2018.11.19 ~ 2018.11.21
  • Gunsan, ROK
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Kyushu Bureau)
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

1. Plenary Meeting
2. Yellow Sea Rim Business Forum
3. Industrial Parks and Special Zones Cooperation Forum
4. Trilateral Director-Generals’ Meeting


1. Plenary Meeting
Under the theme of ‘Promotion of Exchange between Regions’ and ‘Creation of New Industries and New Markets through Innovation’, participants summarized the outcomes and proposals made in each sub-forum.

2. Yellow Sea Rim Business Forum
Presentations of examples from the three countries and proposals of future collaborative steps were giving on common issues of each country in the medical, healthcare, e-commerce, environmental and energy industries in the Yellow Sea Region and technological cooperation.

3. Industrial Parks and Special Zones Cooperation Forum
Participants discussed cooperation plans sharing the policies, expertise and experience of the three countries regarding the “establishment and operation of industrial parks and investment promotion” and “regional and economic revitalization through the special zone system.”

4. Trilateral Director-Generals’ Meeting
Opinions were exchanged on issues shared by the three countries and the future course of action for initiatives aimed at the promotion of regional exchange in the Yellow Sea Rim region and the creation of new industries and markets through innovation.
16th Yellow Sea Rim Economic and Technological Conference
  • 2017.11.29 ~ 2017.11.30
  • Kagoshima, Japan
China: Ministry of Commerce
Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Kyushu Bureau)
ROK: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

1. Plenary Meeting
2. Yellow Sea Rim Business Forum
3. Food and Tourism Forum
4. Industrial Site visits


1. Plenary Meeting
Under the theme of ‘Promotion of Exchange between Regions’ and ‘Creation of New Industries and New Markets through Innovation’, the three parties introduced each case for the economic
and technological exchanges in the Yellow Sea Rim Economic Zone and held discussions
towards sharing their vision and its concrete realization to promote trade, investment and
technological exchange in the YSR zone. A

2. Yellow Sea Rim Business Forum
Participants exchanged views on the agendas of 1) Environmental and Energy Industries, 2) Logistics and
Commercial Distribution, 3) Medical and Healthcare Industries

3. Food and Tourism Forum
The Forum served as a platform to promote inbound/outbound exchange through food and tourism.
1 2 3 4
Working Group Meeting for the Improvement of SCC Latest Event : 2016.08.19
4th Working Group Meeting for the Improvement of SCC
  • 2016.08.19
  • Seoul, Korea
Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the ROK (MOTIE)
Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS)

Exchange of opinions and suggestions on the outcome of the project through in-depth discussion
3rd Working Group Meeting for the Improvement of SCC
  • 2016.06.28
  • Beijing, China
Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the ROK (MOTIE)
Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS)

Information exchange on progress of the project
Discussion on overall plan of the project
2nd Working Group Meeting for the Improvement of SCC
  • 2016.03.31
  • Tokyo, Japan
Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the ROK (MOTIE)
Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS)

Information exchange on progress of the projects
Discussion on overall plan of the project
1st Working Group Meeting for the Improvement of SCC
  • 2016.01.21
  • Seoul, Korea
Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the ROK (MOTIE)
Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS)

1. Kick off the project
2. Introduction of the research institutions
3. Discussion on overall plan of the project
Trilateral Cooperation on E-Commerce Latest Event : 2017.09.12
3rd Trilateral Cooperation on E-Commerce
  • 2017.09.12
  • Tokyo, Japan
Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea (MOTIE)
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS)

The participants engaged in discussions regarding future trilateral cooperation on e-commerce. The joint study is expected to be concluded within this year and TCS will report the outcomes at the 12th Trilateral Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting.
2nd Trilateral Cooperation on E-Commerce
  • 2017.08.08
  • Beijing, China
Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea (MOTIE)
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS)

The participating research institutes shared the progress of their research and discussed elements for potential implications on e-commerce and future trilateral cooperation.
1st Trilateral Cooperation on E-Commerce
  • 2017.07.25
  • Seoul, Korea
Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea (MOTIE)
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS)

At the meeting, government officials from the three parties and the three research institutions - KIEP (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy), CAICT (China Academy of Information and Communications Technology), and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) – exchanged their views on the contents of the Joint Study.
Trilateral Dialogue for Improvement of SCC Latest Event : 2017.07.21
1st Trilateral Dialogue for Improvement of SCC
  • 2017.07.21
  • Qingdao, China
Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the ROK (MOTIE)
Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS)

This Dialogue is a follow-up of the Joint Statement of the 11th Trilateral Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting, which was held in October 2016 in Tokyo, Japan.

Final Report
Tripartite Online Seminar on 3R/Circular Economy/Zero Waster City Latest Event : 2022.12.20
1st Tripartite Online Seminar on 3R/Circular Economy/Zero Waster City
  • 2022.12.20
  • Online, Korea