Ministerial Meetings
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- 2024.06.15
- Seoul, Korea
• Mr. LEE Joo-ho, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Education of the ROK
• Mr. Masahito Moriyama, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan
• Mr. Huai Jinpeng, Minister of Education of China
• Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup
■ Agenda
1) strengthening cooperation in future education in the ear of digital transformation,
2) finding measures to revitalize future generation exchanges among the three countries and,
3) developing the CAMPUS Asia Program.
■ Outcomes Documents
- 2024 ROK-Japan-China Education Innovation Statement
• China: Ministry of Education
• Japan: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
• ROK: Ministry of Education
■ Agenda
• Promoting exchanges and mutual understanding
• Promoting the establishment of Asian Higher Education Community through the expansion of the CAMPUS Asia Program
• Expanding cooperation areas and lifting education to serve communities
■ Outcomes
• Reviewed the progress made in line with the Joint Statement for 2nd Trilateral Education Ministers’ Meeting held in 2018.
• Adopted a Joint Statement, which included a statement about the completion of CJK joint research project on higher education and CAMPUS Asia Alumni Network. TCS was designated to serve as the focal point for CAMPUS Asia Alumni Network project.
■ Outcomes Documents
- Third Trilateral Education Ministers' Meeting Joint Statement
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- 2018.03.21
- Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Education
Japan: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
ROK: Ministry of Education
■ Outcome
• Reviewed the progress made in line with the Seoul Declaration for Trilateral Education Cooperation from the 1st Education Ministers’ Meeting held in 2016.
• Agreed to
(i) promote and expand student exchanges among the three countries;
(ii) further cooperation in higher education through CAMPUS Asia Program and by developing a joint research project on mutual recognition of degrees, and;
(iii) strengthen the network with multilateral partnerships through UNESCO, ASEAN+3, Trilateral Summit and ASEM.
• Adopted a Joint Communiqué, which included a statement about a new CJK joint research project on higher education.. TCS was designated to serve as the project’s focal point.
■ Documents
Second Trilateral Education Ministers’ Meeting Joint Communique
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- 2016.01.30
- Seoul, Korea
China: Ministry of Education
Japan: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
ROK: Ministry of Education
■ Agenda
• Laying the foundations for stronger trilateral education cooperation
• Expanding cooperation in the field of education to foster creative talent
• Promoting the establishment of higher education community in Asia through the expansion of the CAMPUS Asia Program
• Enhancing trilateral cooperation for the advancement of global education
■ Outcome
• Agreed to hold the Education Ministers' Meeting on a regular basis
• Reaffirmed the importance of promoting mutual understanding among the youth and agreed to explore new exchange programs for students
• Acknowledged the success of the CAMPUS Asia pilot program and expressed willingness for the expansion
• Reaffirmed the importance of education for the sustainable development of humanity and the world and agreed to strengthen multilateral partnership
■ Documents
Seoul Declaration for Trilateral Education Cooperation
Working-Level Meetings
- 2019.9.5
- Tokyo, Japan
• China: Ministry of Education; China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center;
China Higher Education Evaluation Center
• Japan: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology;
National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
• ROK: Ministry of Education; Korean Council for University Education
■ Agenda
• Quality assurance and monitoring of the CAMPUS Asia Programs
• Expansion and sustainable development of CAMPUS Asia
• Plans for 8th Meeting of CJK Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities
■ Outcomes
1. Quality assurance and monitoring of the CAMPUS Asia Programs
2. Expansion and sustainable development of CAMPUS Asia mode 3
3. Creation of conducive environment for active student exchange and capacity building (TCS Joint Research and CAMPUS Asia Alumni Network project)
■ Documents
Agreement of the 7th Meeting of the China-Japan-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities
- 2017.11.23
- Seoul, Korea
• China: Ministry of Education; China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center; China Higher Education Evaluation Center
• Japan: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
• ROK: Ministry of Education; Korean Council for University Education
■ Agenda
• Quality assurance and monitoring of the CAMPUS Asia Programs
• Expansion and sustainable development of CAMPUS Asia
• Plans for 7th Meeting of CJK Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities
■ Outcome
1. Quality assurance and monitoring of the CAMPUS Asia Programs
2. Expansion and sustainable development of CAMPUS Asia
3. Plans for 6th Meeting of CJK Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities
■ Documents
Agreement of the 6th Meeting of the China-Japan-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities
- 2015.04.10
- Shanghai, China
• China: Ministry of Education; China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center; China Higher Education Evaluation Center
• Japan: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
• ROK: Ministry of Education; Korean Council for University Education
■ Agenda
• Quality assurance and monitoring of the CAMPUS Asia Programs
• Expansion and sustainable development of CAMPUS Asia
• Plans for 6th Meeting of CJK Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities
■ Outcome
1. Quality assurance and monitoring of the CAMPUS Asia Programs
2. Expansion and sustainable development of CAMPUS Asia
3. Plans for 6th Meeting of CJK Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities
■ Documents
Agreement of the 5th Meeting of the China-Japan-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities
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- 2013.08.06
- Tokyo, Japan
• China: Ministry of Education; China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center; China Higher Education Evaluation Center
• Japan: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
• ROK: Ministry of Education; Korean Council for University Education
■ Agenda
• Expansion of CAMPUS Asia
• Monitoring activities of the pilot programs
• Plans for 5th Meeting of CJK Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities
■ Outcome
1. Expansion of “CAMPUS Asia”
The Committee shared and confirmed the significance, openness and potential of development of “CAMPUS Asia” in higher education in Asia. Responding to the spirit envisaged in the joint declaration of the Fifth Trilateral Summit Meeting held in Beijing in May 2012, the Committee confirmed to further promote the development and enhancement of “CAMPUS Asia” on the basis of the pilot programs, with close cooperation and perspective to further expand the scale and scope of the programs so as to cultivate more and better talents for the region.
2. Monitoring activities of the pilot programs
The Committee shared the significance and importance of the ongoing monitoring of the pilot programs, which promotes quality assurance of “CAMPUS Asia.” The monitoring leads to a standard, which is crucial for expansion of the programs; the Committee expects its consistent progress.
* The monitoring project is to be carried out by the cooperation of the Quality Assurance (QA) agencies of the three countries focusing on universities’ quality assurance activities. The QA agencies of the three countries identify good practices from the aspect of the quality of education and disseminate them broadly to higher education community.
* Through monitoring which will be conducted twice during a five-year period, the QA agencies jointly compare and analyze quality assurance activities in the three countries, and then will draw up joint guidelines for quality assurance of transnational education for QA agencies of the three countries.
3. Upcoming Trilateral Committee Meeting
The 5th Trilateral Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities will be held in Shanghai, China, in autumn 2014.
■ Documents
Agreement of the 4th Meeting of the China-Japan-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities
- 2011.05.17
- Jeju, Korea
• China: Ministry of Education; China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center; China Higher Education Evaluation Center
• Japan: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
• ROK: Ministry of Education; Korean Council for University Education
■ Agenda
• Launch of CAMPUS Asia pilot program
• Pilot Program (10 consortiums, 26 universities)
■ Outcome
The 3rd Trilateral Committee, held in Jeju, ROK, on May 17, 2011, agreed as follows:
Implementation of CAMPUS Asia
1. Objectives
Based on the Trilateral Cooperation VISION 2020 adopted at the Third Trilateral Summit, CAMPUS Asia aims to promote
cooperation among universities and mutual understanding among students of the three countries through various forms of exchange programs between universities, and ultimately contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of universities and nurturing the next generation of outstanding talents of Asia.
2. Pilot Program
CAMPUS Asia shall be initiated through a pilot program, after which exchange programs of different types and levels shall be developed and the program scale will be expanded based on the experience accumulated from the pilot program. based on the discussions at the 2nd Trilateral Committee (2010.12, Beijing), the three countries’ working groups have continuously discussed and established principles for the implementation of the pilot program as follows. These principles were confirmed at the 3rd Committee.
1) Exchange Subjects : Undergraduates and Graduates of Universities in the three countries
2) Participating Unit : A consortium by the universities of the three countries
* Eligibility for Participation: Domestic national, public and private universities of the three countries
* Application shall be made at the level of departments or colleges and submitted through the participating universities.
* One university may participate in several consortiums or multiple universities from one country may participate in one trilateral consortium.
3) Style and Field of Exchange Projects: To be decided by each consortium autonomously
4) Period of Exchange Projects: To be decided by each consortium autonomously, but it is recommended that the exchange period for students be 1 year as the main form and no less than 3 months during the pilot stage.
5) Number of Students to Be Exchanged: Each country will support the mobility of 100 students per year (for a 1 year exchange basis) to and from the other two countries during the pilot stage. It is recommended that each country have an equal number of exchange students, and each university shall send and receive equal number of students. The number of students privately funded or funded by their own university is not included in the above number (100). Each consortium can accept those students at their discretion if they are qualified enough for the program.
6) Pilot Program’s Duration: 3-5 years.
* Joint Call for Proposals and selection of consortiums in 2011, followed by student exchange from 2012.
* The three countries will evaluate jointly the progress of projects every two year. (For example, for 5 year projects, interim
evaluation in 2013(fiscal year), and final evaluation in 2015(fiscal year)). Financial support may be reduced or terminated for
projects with poor progress.
7) Number of Consortiums to Be Selected : about 10 consortiums
8) Selection of the project : 1st stage (Each country’s autonomous evaluations) 2nd stage (Joint trilateral evaluation)
9) Language: To be decided by each consortium autonomously
10) Support to Universities: To be decided by each government autonomously
11) Support to Students
* Each student will pay tuition to his/her respective university, and tuition fee between universities forming consortium shall be mutually exempted. However, each consortium can additionally accept fee-paying students as their discretion.
* Government Support: It is strongly recommended that the receiving country provide maximum 100 (1 year basis) inbound students by principle with the minimum support level on par with its government-funded scholarship students.
* Support for airfare will be decided autonomously by the home country (student-sending country), while all other costs, including accommodation and housing, will be covered by the host countries (student-receiving country).
3. Guidelines for Exchange and Cooperation among Universities in the Three Countries with Quality Assurance
These guidelines clearly stipulate the functions and responsibilities of all parties involved in CAMPUS Asia such as governments, universities, quality assurance agencies, industries, etc, to be used by each party from the pilot program stage. The three countries should actively disseminate these guidelines to each party.
TC Activities
- 2017.12.13
- Seoul, Korea
• China: Ministry of Education
• Japan: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
• ROK: Ministry of Education; Korean Council for University Education Representatives from universities including 17 CAMPUS Asia consortiums
■ Agenda
Theme: Shaping the Future of Academic Mobility between Korea, Japan and China
• Launching ceremony of CAMPUS Asia Program
• Forum
- Mobility Program
- Global Employability
■ Outcome
• Launching Ceremony of CAMPUS Asia Program
- Presentation on CAMPUS Asia project milestones and outcomes
- Awarding of certificates
- Remarks from CAMPUS Asia universities
• Session 1: Mobility Program
- The Future of Academic Mobility
- Implication from ERASMUS
- CAMPUS Asia Quality Improvement
• Session 2: Global Employability
- Global Company's Talent Strategy
- Promoting Employability with Recognition and Mobility
- Global Strategy: Internship and Industry-Academic Cooperation
- 2016.01.01 ~ 2020.12.31
- China/Japan/Korea
Agriculture and Fishery
Disaster Management
Economy and Trade
Education & Youth
Foreign Affairs
Intellectual Property Rights
Local Government Exchange
Nuclear Safety
Regional Policy
Science and Technology
Transport and Logistics
Water Resources
Think Tanks