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Ministerial Meetings

Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM) Latest Event : 2023.11.04
24th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting(TEMM)

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  • 2023.11.04
  • Nagoya, Japan
■ Participants
•Japan: Ministry of the Environment
•ROK: Ministry of Environment
​•China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment

■ Agenda
1. Review and outlook of major policies
2. Review on the progress of TJAP
3. Adoption of Joint Communiqué

■ Outcome Documents
•​​Joint Communiqué the 24th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting
23rd Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting(TEMM)

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  • 2022.12.01
  • Online, China
■ Participants
​•China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
•Japan: Ministry of the Environment
•ROK: Ministry of Environment

■ Agenda
1. Review & Outlook of Environmental Policies
2. Review on the Progress in the Implementation of Tripartite Joint Action Plan 2021-2025

■ Outcome Documents
•​​Joint Communiqué the 23rd Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting
22nd Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM)

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  • 2021.12.07
  • Online
​ROK: Ministry of Environment
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment

•Remarks / Review and outlook of major policies of Ministers
•Review on the progress in TJAP and adoption of TJAP 2021-202
•Signing Ceremony of Joint Communique

1. Joint Communiqué
2. Tripartite Joint Action Plan (TJAP) 2021-2025
3. TJAP 2021-2025 Annex: List of Actions
21st Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM)

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  • 2019.11.23 ~ 2019.11.24
  • Kitakyushu, Japan
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment

• Reviewed the implementation of the Tripartite Joint Action Plan on Environmental Cooperation (TJAP) 2015-2019
• Discussed and adopted the new TEMM priority cooperation areas for TJAP 2020-2024 as below
1. Air Quality Improvement
2. 3R/Circular Economy/Zero Waste City
3. Marine and Water Environment Management
4. Climate Change
5. Biodiversity
6. Chemical Management and Environmental Emergency Response
7. Transition to Green Economy
8. Environmental Education, Public Awareness and Engagement

Joint Communiqué the 21th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting
20th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM)

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  • 2018.06.24
  • Suzhou, China
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

• The Report on Tripartite Environmental Cooperation and its Outlook was briefed.
• Congratulated that TEMM has greatly contributed to building a clean and beautiful Northeast Asia during the last twenty years through close and effective cooperation.
• Shared the recent progress in tripartite environmental cooperation.
• Emphasized the importance to implement the Leaders' commitment for further strengthening joint effort and collaboration in tachling issues of common interest and deepen cooperation in various fields in the Tripartite Joint Action Plans.

Joint Communiqué the 20th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting
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Senior Officials' Meetings

Tripartite Presidents Meeting among CRAES, NIES and NIER Latest Event : 2022.11.24
19th Tripartite Presidents Meeting among CRAES, NIES and NIER
  • 2022.11.24
  • Online, China
■ Participants
- ​National Institute of Environmental Research(NIER)
- National Institute of Environmental Science(NIES)
- Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science(CRAES)

■ Workshop Theme
Atmospheric Observation and Source Apportionment based on Emerging Technologies
18th Tripartite Presidents Meeting among CRAES, NIES and NIER
  • 2021.11.04
  • Online, Korea
■ Participants
- ​National Institute of Environmental Research(NIER)
- National Institute of Environmental Science(NIES)
- Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science(CRAES)

■ Research Focus
Climate Change Adaptation
17th Tripartite Presidents Meeting among CRAES, NIES and NIER
  • 2020.12.06
  • Online, Japan
■ Participants
- ​National Institute of Environmental Research(NIER)
- National Institute of Environmental Science(NIES)
- Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science(CRAES)
16th Tripartite Presidents Meeting among CRAES, NIES and NIER
  • 2019.10.28 ~ 2019.11.01
  • Hanzhou, China
■ Participants
- ​​National Institute of Environmental Research(NIER)
- National Institute of Environmental Science(NIES)
- Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science(CRAES)

■ Agenda
1) Discussion on direction of tripartite cooperation
2) Agreed to jointly develop CJK+X model of cooperation
3) Joint Communique of the meeting was signed by the three Presidents
4) Parallel workshop (PWS) on “Longrange Transboundary Air Pollutants in Northeast Asia” was held on October 29, 2019.
15th Tripartite Presidents Meeting among CRAES, NIES and NIER
  • 2018.10.30
  • Busan, Korea
National Institute of Environmental Research(NIER)
National Institute of Environmental Science(NIES)
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science(CRAES)
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Director-Generals' Meetings

Tripartite DG Meetings (TDGM) on Dust and Sand Storms (DSS) Latest Event : 2019.10.18
14th Tripartite DG Meetings (TDGM) on Dust and Sand Storms (DSS)
  • 2019.10.18
  • Kitakyushu, Japan
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
13th Tripartite DG Meetings (TDGM) on Dust and Sand Storms (DSS)
  • 2018.05
  • China, Suzhou
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
12th Tripartite DG Meetings (TDGM) on Dust and Sand Storms (DSS)
  • 2017.03.15
  • Suwon, Korea
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

Reviewed results of 11th DSS SCM
11th Tripartite DG Meetings (TDGM) on Dust and Sand Storms (DSS)
  • 2016.01.01
  • Seoul, Korea
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

1. Report on progress of joint researches
2. Future activity plans
10th Tripartite DG Meetings (TDGM) on Dust and Sand Storms (DSS)
  • 2015.01.01
  • N/A
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

1. Report on progress of joint researches
2. Future activity plans
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Working-Level Meetings

Tripartite Environmental Education Network (TEEN) Latest Event : 2023.11.27 ~ 2023.11.30
24th Tripartite Environmental Education Network (TEEN)
  • 2023.11.27 ~ 2023.11.30
  • Jeju, Korea
■ Participants
•ROK: The Korean Society for Environmental Education​
•Japan: Japan Environmental Education Forum
•China: Center for Environmental Education and Communications
23rd Tripartite Environmental Education Network (TEEN)
  • 2022.11.18
  • Online, China
■ Participants
​•China: Center for Environmental Education and Communications
•Japan: Japan Environmental Education Forum
•ROK: The Korean Society for Environmental Education
22nd Tripartite Environmental Education Network (TEEN)
  • 2021.11.25 ~ 2021.11.26
  • Online, Japan
■ Participants
​•China: Center for Environmental Education and Communications
•Japan: Japan Environmental Education Forum
•ROK: The Korean Society for Environmental Education
21st Trilateral Environmental Education Network (TEEN)
  • 2020.10.15 ~ 2020.10.16
  • Korea, online
China: Center for Environmental Education and Communications
Japan: Japan Environmental Education Forum
ROK: The Korean Society for Environmental Education

1st day:
* Roundtable discussion among government officials on updates of EE in CJK and future collaboration
* Symposium on "EE in local communities"
Session 1: Policies and partnership
Session 2: Locality and effectiveness

2nd day:
Workshop "EE in Post-COVID-19 Era: Community Mapping"
Workshop "Case sharing of EE in Local Communities"
20th Trilateral Environmental Education Network (TEEN)
  • 2019.10.27 ~ 2019.10.29
  • Hangzhou, China
■ Participants
China: Center for Environmental Education and Communications (CEEC) of Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China
Japan: Office of Environmental Education, Ministry of the Environment of Japan
ROK: Ministry of Environment of ROK, The Korean Society for Environmental Education​ (KOSEE)

■ Agenda
Session 1: 20 years of TEEN: Achievements and Outlook  (J-K-C, 20 min. each)​
Keynote speech (1) SDG goals and ESD​
Keynote speech (2)​

Session 2: voices from EE practioners-case sharing  (J-K-C, 15min. each) ​Oct. 28 (Mon.)
Closed roundtable meeting

1)EE updates among gov. officials (J-K-C)
2)TEEN Joint Action Plan (2020-2024) Discussion: priorities, target groups, EE teachers engagement, etc.
3) Discussion on Trilateral Environmental Teacher's Exchange Program
(C-J-K Focal Point and TCS working level) at Zhijiang Hotel

Visit Xuejun elementary school and communicate with staffs on EE at Xuejun elementary school Oct. 29 (Tue.)​​
Morning Visit to Environmental Education and Research Center

Afternoon: Closing ceremony at Zhejiang Hotel​
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TEMM Youth Forum Latest Event : 2023.11.02 ~ 2023.11.04
16th TEMM Youth Forum
  • 2023.11.02 ~ 2023.11.04
  • Nagoya, Japan
■ Participants
•Japan: Japan Environmental Education Forum
•ROK: The Korean Society for Environmental Education
​•China: Center for Environmental Education and Communications

■ Agenda
Theme: "Towards the Harmonious Coexistence with Nature: Inspiring Education for the Future"
Activities: Youth representative presentation & workshop, discussion, report to TEMM24

■ Outcomes
1)teachers learned knowledge and tools to enhance their environment class to students
2)a community of practice was formed
3)professional network was expanded
4)trilateral cooperation was strengthened

■ Outcome Documents
Summary Report of the 1st Trilateral Teacher's Exchange Program on Public Awareness
15th TEMM Youth Forum
  • 2023.03.29
  • Online, China
■ Participants
​•China: Center for Environmental Education and Communications
•Japan: Japan Environmental Education Forum
•ROK: The Korean Society for Environmental Education
14th TEMM Youth Forum
  • 2021.12.11 ~ 2021.12.12
  • Online, Korea
■ Participants
​•China: Center for Environmental Education and Communications
•Japan: Japan Environmental Education Forum
•ROK: The Korean Society for Environmental Education
13th TEMM Youth Forum
  • 2019.11.22 ~ 2019.11.24
  • Kitakyushu, Japan
China: Center for Environmental Education and Communications
Japan: National Environmental Research and Training Institute
ROK: National Environmental Research and Training Institute

​​* The role of youth in promoting environmental protection
* Youth groups from each country introduced their contributions to the environment
12th TEMM Youth Forum
  • 2018.06.23 ~ 2018.06.24
  • Suzhou, China
China: Center for Environmental Education and Communications
Japan: National Environmental Research and Training Institute
ROK: National Environmental Research and Training Institute

* Shared knowledge under the theme of "contributing to our common future".
* Interacted with the local community through innovative activities to promote public awareness about the 9 priority areas of cooperation of the Tripartite Joint Action Plans.
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TEMM-NOWPAP Joint Workshop Latest Event : 2020.12.02
6th TEMM-NOWPAP Joint Workshop on Marine Litter Management
  • 2020.12.02
  • Online
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

1) Policies on marine litter management
2) Best practices and challenges of marine litter management
5th TEMM-NOWPAP Joint Workshop on Marine Litter Management
  • 2019.9.25
  • Dalian, China
■ Participants
• China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
• Japan: Ministry of the Environment
• ROK: Ministry of Environment
4th TEMM-NOWPAP Joint Workshop on Marine Litter Management
  • 2018.06.04
  • Busan, Korea
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

Discussion on
1) policies on marine litter management,
2) abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear in fisheries and aquaculture,
3) global and regional action including reports from NGOs
3rd TEMM-NOWPAP Joint Workshop on Marine Litter Management
  • 2017.12.27
  • China
China:Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
2nd TEMM-NOWPAP Joint Workshop on Marine Litter Management
  • 2016.09.01
  • Russia
China:Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

Shared related national policies and cases of private organization activities; and discussed joint survey on marine litter in regional ocean.
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Tripartite Workshop on Scientific Research of Photochemical Oxidant Latest Event : 2008.01.01
1st Tripartite Workshop on Scientific Research of Photochemical Oxidant
  • 2008.01.01
  • NA
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
Joint Research Project on Long- range Transboundary Air Pollutants in Northeast Asia (LTP Project) Latest Event : 1995.01.01
1st Joint Research Project on Long- range Transboundary Air Pollutants in Northeast Asia (LTP Project)
  • 1995.01.01
China: Ministry of the State Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

The Long-range Transboundary Air Pollutants (LTP) in Northeast Asia is an international joint research that has been conducted among the three countries. This joint research project aims to:
1. Understand the current situation of air quality in Northeast Asia which lays a foundation for research on long-range transports;
2. Develop the scientific basis for environmental decision-making;
3. Ultimately improve air quality in Northeast Asia.

The experts of the three countries have had an LTP expert meeting annually, by conducting joint research on LTP monitoring and modeling as well as emission inventory.

Since 1995 when three countries had a workshop reaching a common understanding of a worsening air quality in the region, they have held both LTP official/expert meetings and technical meetings.

Experts from the three countries have conducted the joint research on LTP at its third stage since 2008, expecting its completion in 2012.
Sound Material-Cycle Society & Circular Economy & 3R Seminar Latest Event : 2018.12.12
12th Sound Material-Cycle Society & Circular Economy & 3R Seminar
  • 2018.12.12
  • Seoul, Korea
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

■ Agenda
Discussion on how to build cooperative network for waste import and export ​
11th Sound Material-Cycle Society & Circular Economy & 3R Seminar
  • 2017.12
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
10th Sound Material-Cycle Society & Circular Economy & 3R Seminar
  • 2016.11.08
  • Beijing, China
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

* Exchanged latest information on waste management policies of the three countries including policies relating to E-waste management.
9th Sound Material-Cycle Society & Circular Economy & 3R Seminar
  • 2015.12.03
  • Seoul, Korea
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

* Analysis of the current status of waste moving the internationally movement of waste, and sharing Northeast Asian perspectives on controlling the export and import of e-waste
8th Sound Material-Cycle Society & Circular Economy & 3R Seminar
  • 2014.10.18
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

* Sharing policies on recycling e-waste, and cooperating on the international movement of waste
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E-waste workshop Latest Event : 2008.11.26
2nd E-waste workshop
  • 2008.11.26
  • Beijing, China
China: Ministry of the State Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

1. Exchanged policies and regulations on environmental management of e-waste export and import, and shared experiences on supervision and management of e-waste disposal enterprises
2. Exchanged views on extended producer responsibility of electronics enterprises and trans-regional movement of e-waste
1st E-waste workshop
  • 2007.06.29
  • Beijing, China
China: Ministry of the State Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

1. Exchanged policies and regulations on environmental management of e-waste export and import, and shared experiences on supervision and management of e-waste disposal enterprises
2. Exchanged views on extended producer responsibility of electronics enterprises and trans-regional movement of e-waste
Tripartite Policy Dialogue in Chemicals Management (TPDCM) Latest Event : 2022.11.30
16th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Chemical Management (TPDCM)
  • 2022.11.30
  • Japan (Chair)
14th Tripartite Policy Dialogue in Chemicals Management (TPDCM)
  • 2020.11
  • Korea, online
■ Participants
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

■ Agenda
Latest updates of chemicals management policy in each countries
13th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Chemical Management (TPDCM)
  • 2019.10.29
  • Fukuoka, Japan
■ Participants
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment​

1. Latest updates and way forward of chemicals management policies
2. Responses to international trends of chemicals management
3. Responses to recent challenges of each country
12th Tripartite Policy Dialogue in Chemicals Management (TPDCM)
  • 2018.06.23
  • Suzhou, China
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

1. Updates of chemical management policies
2. Information collection system of chemical risk evaluation
3. Latest challenges of each country

Regarding future cooperation agenda, proposals to have information exchange on the below topics were made:
- Situation of administrative systems to manage chemicals and environmental protection
- Challenges in operating chemicals management
11th Tripartite Policy Dialogue in Chemicals Management (TPDCM)
  • 2017.10.31
  • Yeosu, Korea
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

1, Reporting of the result of joint study on toxicity
2,Discussed technical methodology of chemical risk management, chemical policies in CJK, and international trends
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Joint Research on Environmental Governance in Northeast Asia Latest Event : 2010.01.01
2nd Joint Research on Environmental Governance in Northeast Asia
  • 2010.01.01
  • N/A
China: Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy
Japan: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
ROK: Korea Environment Institute

Commenced in 2010, the joint research includes an experts group among the three institutes. In 2011, the three institutes held a series of discussions to develop the proposal for joint research.

Environmental governance in Northeast Asia was designated as one of the ten areas of cooperation in the Joint Communique of the 12th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting adopted on May 22-23, 2010 in Hokkaido, Japan. According to the “Tripartite
Joint Action Plan on Environmental Cooperation” which was adopted at the same meeting, it was agreed to “create a long term vision for cooperation between the governments of the three countries and the concerned stakeholders in order to strengthen environmental governance (capacities and mechanisms of environmental management) in Northeast Asia”
(paragraph 37).

This joint research aims to establish a framework of cooperation among experts from the three countries to develop a long term vision to strengthen the TEMM framework and enhance environmental governance in Northeast Asia.

1. 2012 - Reviewing challenges and status-quo of environmental governance in Northeast Asia;
2. 2013 - Considering how to improve the TEMM and improve coordination among environmental cooperation mechanisms in Northeast Asia;
3. 2014 - Developing a long term vision for cooperation among the three countries and] concerned stakeholders;
1st Joint Research on Environmental Management in Northeast Asia
  • 2005.01.01
  • N/A
China: Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy
Japan: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
ROK: Korea Environment Institute

1. This joint research was conducted as TEMM’s project based on the agreement made at the 7th TEMM meeting in 2005.
2. The objective of this research is to explore potential and efficient ways to improve the overall efficacy of environmental cooperation endeavors in the Northeast Asia region.
3. The project is implemented by Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy (PRCEE) of China, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) of Japan, and Korea Environment Institute (KEI) from 2006-2008.
4. The outcome of this research is a report submitted to the TEMM for reference.
Tripartite Roundtable Meeting on Environmental Business Latest Event : 2021.12.17
6th Tripartite Roundtable Meeting on Environmental Business (TREB)
  • 2021.12.17
  • Online, Korea
■ Participants
​•China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
•Japan: Ministry of the Environment
•ROK: Ministry of Environment
5th Tripartite Roundtable on Environment Business
  • 2019.11.22 ~ 2019.11.24
  • Kitakyushu, Japan
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

Environmental business representatives gathered and discussed technologies and innovation for promotion of environmental business under the theme of 'Initiative for realizing a virtuous cycle of environment and growth'

MINUTES of The 5th Tripartite Roundtable on Environmental Business
4th Tripartite Roundtable on Environmental Business
  • 2018.06.23
  • Suzhou, China
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

More than 50 experts and environmental business representatives gathered and discussed technologies and innovation for promotion of environmental business under the theme of 'Environmentally sustainable city for promoting the transition to green economy'
3rd Tripartite Roundtable on Environmental Business
  • 2017.08.23
  • Suwon, Korea
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

The roundtable meeting was joined by 30 participants from the three countries, was held under the theme of "Social Role of the Environmental Industry to Share the Fruits of Green Economy."

MINUTES of The 3rd Tripartite Roundtable on Environmental Business
2nd Tripartite Roundtable on Environmental Business
  • 2016.04.25
  • Shizuoka, Japan
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

Presentations on the discussions of environmental industrial complexes, green finance policies, environmental labelling, green supply chains, technological exchanges in the water industry, and cases of business collaborations in the water industry, on the topic theme of “the leading role of the environmental industry in the switch to green economy”

MINUTES of The 2nd Tripartite Roundtable on Environmental Business

MINUTES of The 2nd Tripartite Roundtable on Environmental Business
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Ecological Conservation in Northwest China Latest Event : 2006.02.27
4th Ecological Conservation in Northwest China
  • 2006.02.27
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (MEP-FECO)
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: National Institute of Environmental Research

Three countries’ experts and organizations who engaged in ecological conservation in Northwest China shared information, knowledge and experience, and visited relevant facilities.
3rd Ecological Conservation in Northwest China
  • 2003.02.01
  • Beijing, China
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (MEP-FECO)
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: National Institute of Environmental Research

Participants discussed the modality of cooperation on the Inner Mongolia Project and DSS in the region
2nd Ecological Conservation in Northwest China
  • 2001.12.01
  • Korea
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (MEP-FECO)
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: National Institute of Environmental Research

Experts and government officials examined the Chinese proposals for projects to be conducted in the Yinshan Mountain region.
1st Ecological Conservation in Northwest China
  • 2000.12.01
  • Beijing, China
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (MEP-FECO)
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: National Institute of Environmental Research

Participants from Japan and ROK examined the Chinese proposals on ecological conservation in northwest China from the viewpoint of their own expertise.
Freshwater (Lakes) Pollution Prevention Project Latest Event : 2000.01.01
1st Freshwater (Lakes) Pollution Prevention Project
  • 2000.01.01
  • N/A
China: Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Japan: National Institute for Environmental Studies
ROK: National Institute of Environmental Research

The project aims to promote research and technology development as well as the formulation of programs to research and draft common policies for freshwater pollution prevention.

Past Specific Activities:
1) A joint study on freshwater (lakes) pollution prevention at Xi Hu (West Lake) and others in Hangzhou, China;
2) A training program on lake management techniques supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and others;
3) Preparation of official guidelines of the three countries for the control measures of eutrophication;
4) International symposia are held every year.
Tripartite Seminar on Green Economy Latest Event : 2010.12.01
1st Tripartite Seminar on Green Economy
  • 2010.12.01
  • China
China: Ministry of the State Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

Officers, experts on green economy from three countries were invited to attend this seminar. The three countries’ participants shared their national strategies on green economy and discussed the suggestion of expanding the joint research.
Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Biodiversity Latest Event : 2024.07.22 ~ 2024.07.23
10th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Biodiversity
  • 2024.07.22 ~ 2024.07.23
  • Yokohama, Japan
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
ROK: Ministry of Environment
9th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Biodiversity
  • 2023.07.11
  • Hainan, China
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
8th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Biodiversity
  • 2021.07.14
  • Online, Korea
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
7th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Biodiversity
  • 2020.09.09
  • Online, China
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
ROK: Ministry of Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
6th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Biodiversity
  • 2019.04.18 ~ 2019.04.19
  • Kunming, China
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
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Trilateral Policy Dialogue on Air Pollution (TPDAP) Latest Event : 2023.09.20
10th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Air Pollution (TPDAP)
  • 2023.09.20
  • Online, China
■ Participants
•China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
•Japan: Ministry of the Environment
•ROK: Ministry of Environment​
9th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Air Pollution (TPDAP)
  • 2022.09.27
  • Online, Japan
■ Participants
•China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
•Japan: Ministry of the Environment
•ROK: Ministry of Environment​
7th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Air Pollution (TPDAP)
  • 2020.07.31
  • Online
• China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
• Japan: Ministry of the Environment
• ROK: Ministry of Environment​

■ Agenda
​- Updates on each country's air pollution policies
- Discussion on Second CJK Action Plan for Air Pollution (2021-2025 timeframe, plans for future TPDAP meetings and relevant activities)
6th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Air Pollution (TPDAP)
  • 2019.02.21 ~ 2019.02.22
  • Tokyo, Japan
• China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
• Japan: Ministry of the Environment
• ROK: Ministry of Environment

- Updates of latest air pollution policies
- Report of technical discussion held in Working Groups
- Discussion on the report that includes achievements of the past five years
5th Trilateral Policy Dialogue on Air Pollution
  • 2018.02.06
  • Seoul, Korea
• China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
• Japan: Ministry of the Environment
• ROK: Ministry of Environment

Shared policies to control air pollutants such as particulate matters. Also discussed whether Japan will join the Clean Sky Project, a joint monitoring and investigation conducted by China and Korea since May 2017.
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Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Steering Committee Meeting (SCM) Latest Event : 2019.10.18
13th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Steering Committee Meeting (SCM)
  • 2019.10.18
  • Kitakyushu, Japan
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

■ Agenda
- Progress and work plan by WG I and WG II
12th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Steering Committee Meeting
  • 2018.05
  • Suzhou, China
■ Participants
China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
11th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Steering Committee Meeting
  • 2017.02.01
  • Seoul, Korea
■ Participants
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

■ Agenda
Progress report on activities and future plans of WGI and WGII;
action plan of working group I and II
10th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Steering Committee Meeting
  • 2016.03.01
  • Shizuoka, Japan
■ Participants
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

■ Agenda
Discussions on the approval and development methods for joint research tasks for the 2015 research results and 2016 action plans of working groups I and II
9th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Steering Committee Meeting
  • 2015.03.01
  • Shanghai, China
■ Participants
China: Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

■ Agenda
1. Discussions on the approval and development methods for joint research tasks for the 2014 research results and 2015 action plans of working groups I and II
2. Presentation of a medium-term joint research plan and regular joint workshop of working groups I and II
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Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group I (WGI) Latest Event : 2022.11.01 ~ 2022.11.02
15th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group Meeting (WGI)
  • 2022.11.01 ~ 2022.11.02
  • Online, Korea
14th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group Meeting (WGI)
  • 2021.09.28 ~ 2021.09.29
  • Online, Japan
■ Participants
•China:China National Environmental Monitoring Center
•Japan: Ministry of the Environment
•ROK: National Institute of Meteorological Sciences
•Mongolia: Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Information & Research Institute of Meteorology Hydrology, Institute of Geography and Genecology

13th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group Meeting (WGI)
  • 2020.10.13
  • China (Online)
■ Participants
• China:China National Environmental Monitoring Center
• Japan: Ministry of the Environment
• ROK: National Institute of Meteoroligical Sciences

■ Agenda
​​- To introduce the progress in DSS monitoring and modeling from each country
- To share the outcomes from researches on DS events for joint research
- To discuss the milestones for mid-term action plan (2020-2024)

1) construction of online portal for sharing published research articles;
2) research on sub-seasonal to seasonal and long-term variations of DSS;
3) cooperation with two WGs
12th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group Meeting (WGI)
  • 2019.09.01
  • Busan, Korea
■ Participants
• China:China National Environmental Monitoring Center
• Japan: Ministry of the Environment
• ROK: National Institute of Meteoroligical Sciences
11th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group I (WGI)
  • 2018.11.11
  • Tokyo, Japan
■ Participants
• China:China National Environmental Monitoring Center
• Japan: Ministry of the Environment
• ROK: National Institute of Meteoroligical Sciences

■ Agenda
DSS monitoring data and study results were shared​
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Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group II (WGII) Latest Event : 2022.11.15
15th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group II (WGII)
  • 2022.11.15
  • Online, China
13th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group II
  • 2020.12
  • Online
China:Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: National Institute of Forest Sciences

Latest research activities on DSS origins and countermeasures
12th Dust and Standstorms (DSS) Working Group II (WGII)
  • 2019.12.1
  • Xining, China
China:Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: National Institute of Forest Sciences
11th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group II (WGII)
  • 2018.12.1
  • Seoul, Korea
China:Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: National Institute of Forest Sciences
10th Dust and Sandstorms (DSS) Working Group II (WGII)
  • 2017.12.01
  • NA
China:Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: National Institute of Forest Sciences
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Joint Workshop between DSS WGI and WGII Latest Event : 2018.06.23
3rd Joint Workshop between DSS WGI and WGII
  • 2018.06.23
  • Suzhou,China
China: China National Environmental Monitoring Center (WGI);
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (WGII)
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
2nd Joint Workshop between DSS WGI and WGII
  • 2017.02.01
  • Seoul, Korea
China: China National Environmental Monitoring Center (WGI);
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (WGII)
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
1st Joint Workshop between DSS WGI and WGII
  • 2016.02.27
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: China National Environmental Monitoring Center (WGI);
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (WGII)
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
Tripartite Rural Environment Policy Dialogue (TREPD) Latest Event : 2019.12.1
3rd Tripartite Rural Environment Policy Dialogue (TREPD)
  • 2019.12.1
  • Korea
■ Participants
China:Ministry of Environmental Protection;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK:Ministry of Environment

■ Agenda
Community-based approach for water environment management
2nd Tripartite Rural Environment Policy Dialogue (TREPD)
  • 2017.12.27
  • China
China:Ministry of Environmental Protection;
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
1st Tripartite Rural Environment Policy Dialogue (TREPD)
  • 2016.03.10
  • Beijing, China
China:Ministry of Environmental Protection;
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

Theme: Rural Household Waste Disposal and Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment

The Dialogue decided to expand the exchange of knowledge and experience in the area of rural and local level environmental management.
Seminar on Green Finance Latest Event : 2017.10
2nd Green Finance Seminar
  • 2017.10
  • Beijing, China
China:Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
1st Seminar on Green Finance
  • 2015.12.15
  • Jinan, China
China:Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

The Seminar recognized as a good beginning for further cooperation among the three countries on green finance.
A System Study on How to Promote Green Economy at City Level Latest Event : 2013.06.01
1st A System Study on How to Promote Green Economy at City Level
  • 2013.06.01
  • NA
China: Policy Research Centre for Environment and Economy
Japan: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
ROK: Korea Environment Institute

Study Tasks:
1. Task1 - Summarize policy progress on green economy, green growth and low-carbon development at national level
2. Task2 - Case study on green economy at city level
3. Task3 - Formulation of synthesis report

Work Plan:
1. May 2012 : Finalize the work plan
2. From June 2012 to September 2012: Conduct task 1 study;
3. From September 2012 to December 2012: Conduct Case study and task 2
4. From January 2013 to April 2013: Draft synthesis report
5. April 2013: Hold a tripartite Seminar on green economy development at city level and seek comments of draft report
6. From April 2013 to June 2012: Complete the final report

Expected Outputs:
1. Draft a report on promoting green economy at city level;
2. Organize a tripartite Seminar on green economy development at city level;
Tripartite Joint Environmental Training Latest Event : 2019.09.16 ~ 2019.09.20
19th Tripartite Joint Environmental Training
  • 2019.09.16 ~ 2019.09.20
  • Kitakyushu, Japan
China: Ministry of Environment Protection, Center for Environmental Education and Communications
Japan: Ministry of the Environment, National Environmental Research and Training Institute
ROK: Ministry of Environment, Educational Affairs Section, National Environmental Research and Training Institute

Local environmental management
18th Tripartite Joint Environmental Training
  • 2018.11.18 ~ 2018.11.23
  • Hengshui, China
■ Participants
China: Ministry of Environment Protection, Center for Environmental Education and Communications
Japan: Ministry of the Environment, National Environmental Research and Training Institute
ROK: Ministry of Environment, Educational Affairs Section, National Environmental Research and Training Institute
17th Tripartite Joint Environmental Training
  • 2017.10.01
  • Jeju, Korea
China: Ministry of Environment Protection, Center for Environmental Education and Communications
Japan: Ministry of the Environment, National Environmental Research and Training Institute
ROK: Ministry of Environment, Educational Affairs Section, National Environmental Research and Training Institute
16th Tripartite Joint Environmental Training
  • 2016.11.07 ~ 2016.11.11
  • Fukuoka, Japan
China: Ministry of Environment Protection, Center for Environmental Education and Communications
Japan: Ministry of the Environment, National Environmental Research and Training Institute
ROK: Ministry of Environment, Educational Affairs Section, National Environmental Research and Training Institute

20 public officials attended discussions on the topic of the circular management of resources/3R
15th Tripartite Joint Environmental Training
  • 2015.11.09 ~ 2015.11.13
  • Beijing, China
China: Ministry of Environment Protection, Center for Environmental Education and Communications
Japan: Ministry of the Environment, National Environmental Research and Training Institute
ROK: Ministry of Environment, Educational Affairs Section, National Environmental Research and Training Institute

19 public environment officials from the three countries attended classes, discussions, and field trips with regard to environmental preservation。
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TC Activities

Trilateral Teachers' Exchange Program Latest Event : 2023.08.14 ~ 2023.08.19
3rd Trilateral Environmental Teachers' Exchange Program
  • 2023.08.14 ~ 2023.08.19
  • Beijing, Ordos, China
2nd Trilateral Environmental Teachers' Exchange Program
  • 2019.08.29
  • Tokyo, Japan
■ Participants
• Japan: Ministry of the Environment
• China: Ministry of Ecology and Environment
• ROK: Ministry of Environment

■ Agenda
1) Field trip
2) Discussion on promotion of EE
3) Lectures on EE/ SDGs
4) SDG Card Game
1st Trillateral Teacher's Exchange Program on Public Awareness
  • 2017.08.07
  • Seoul, Korea
China:Ministry of Environmental Protection; Center for Environmental Education and Communication
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment
Middle school teachers from the three countries
Journalists from the three countries

1) Field Trip
2) Hands-on Experimenting session
3) Dialogue with subject matter expertise
4) Discussion and future plan

1) Teachers learned knowledge and tools to enhance their environment class to students
2) A community of practice was formed
3) Professional network was expanded
4) Trilateral cooperation was strengthened

Summary Report of the 1st Trilateral Teacher's Exchange Program on Public Awareness
General Public Awareness Latest Event : 2016.06.15
1st General Public Awareness Consultation Meeting
  • 2016.06.15
  • Seoul, Korea
China:Ministry of Environmental Protection
Japan: Ministry of the Environment
ROK: Ministry of Environment

• Discussion on effective ways to raise public awareness of environmental protection in the three countries

1. Agreed on publish a booklet on environmental protection to raise public awareness
2. Agreed on a people-to-people exchange program targeting environmental teachers and education specialists among the three countries