Mechanisms 16th China-Japan-Korea Joint Training Program for Young/Middle-level Public Employees
2024-12-09 ~ 2024-12-13
From December 9 to 13, the National Personnel Authority (NPA) held the 16th China-Japan-Korea Joint Training Program for Young/Middle-level Public Employees in Tokyo, Japan. Nine trainees (three each from the China National Civil Service Administration, the NPA and the Korean Ministry of Personnel Management) participated in the program.
During the Training Program, the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) was invited to deliver a lecture to the participants. The lecture outlined the history and development of trilateral cooperation among the three countries, as well as the background and role of the TCS. Additionally, it provided insights to help participants explore effective communication strategies for collaborating with colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds in a cross-cultural setting.
First introduced in 2007, the Joint training program aims to foster mutual understanding of the national civil service system and provide international perspectives to young and mid-level officials from the three countries. The next training program is scheduled to be held in China based on the rotation.

▲Opening Ceremony

▲Lecture Presented by TCS
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