Seminar & Forum The ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Roundtable Dialogue on RCEP
On 17 October 2024, the ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Roundtable Dialogue on RCEP, hosted by the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) and the Yangzhou Municipal People’s Government, was held in Yangzhou, China. The event was attended and addressed by notable figures, including ACC Secretary General Shi Zhongjun, Ambassador Dato’ Norman Bin Muhamad of Malaysia to China, Ambassador Maubere Lorosae Da Silva Horta of Timor-Leste to China, Secretary Wang Jinjian of the CPC Yangzhou Municipal Committee, and Deputy Secretary General ZUSHI Shuji of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS).
DSG ZUSHI delivered remarks during the opening session, expressing his gratitude to the ACC and the Yangzhou Municipal People’s Government for the invitation. He emphasized the significant potential of RCEP in fostering inclusive regional collaboration, particularly among China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea (ROK). He underscored the importance of promoting free trade, deepening supply chain integration, and leveraging RCEP to address global economic challenges, with the ultimate goal of shared prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. He expressed hope that all member states would seize this opportunity to secure tangible benefits.
More than 80 participants, including diplomats, scholars, and business delegates from RCEP member states such as Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, attended the event. The Dialogue reached a consensus that the full implementation of RCEP would be a positive factor for business development among its signatory members. All parties committed to maintaining an open and inclusive environment for global trade and investment, further opening markets, and helping enterprises fully utilize RCEP rules and regulations.

▲TCS DSG ZUSHI Shuji delivering remarks

▲RCEP Roundtable Dialogue in progress

▲Group photo
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