Mechanisms 7th Trilateral Director General Level Meeting on Forestry Cooperation
2024-09-11 ~ 2024-09-12
7th Trilateral Director General Level Meeting on Forestry Cooperation
On September 11, the 7th Trilateral Director General Level Meeting on Forestry Cooperation was held successfully in Hangzhou, China. The meeting was presided by Mr. Xia Jun, Director General of the Department of International Cooperation, National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China, and attended by Mr. NAM Song Hee, Director General of International Affairs Bureau, Korea Forest Service, and Mr. NAGASAKIYA Keita, Director General of the Private Forest Department, Forestry Agency of Japan. Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) delegation led by Deputy Secretary-General ZUSHI Shuji also attended the meeting.
The meeting consisted 6 sessions, including forestry policy, land degradation and desertification control, forestry disaster reduction, timber industry development, forestry area utilization, and forestry management. The three Director Generals and other representatives exchanged information and ideas on the recent progress and future direction in forestry development and cooperation.
DSG ZUSHI pointed out that forestry cooperation covers diverse perspectives, such as environment protection, disaster prevention, rurual revitalization, and beyond. He futhur introduced the progress of the Trilateral Cooperation, and several TCS flagship programs in forestry and related field.
On September 12, 2024, all the delegations paid a visit to Anji County, visited bamboo industrial facilities and exchanged ideas on forestry management and rural development with local officials and entrepreneurs.

▲Group Photo

▲DSG ZUSHI delivering his remark