TC Activities TCS Supported New Year’s Special CJK Go Tournaments among Genius Girls
January 2, 2024 — The opening ceremony of the ‘China-Japan-ROK Genius Girls Three Kingdoms,’ designed as a New Year’s special Go (围棋, 囲碁, 바둑) Tournaments program, was held in Seoul, in ROK. The tournaments were organized and hosted by the Korea Baduk(Go) Association, sponsored by the Cyberoro, and supported by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS), featuring Baduk TV as the main broadcaster. TCS Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup delivered congratulatory remarks on the day, encouraging the players.
SG LEE congratulated the meaningful event of CJK Girls Go Tournaments, stating in his speech, "Go(围棋, 囲碁, 바둑), considered the essence of Eastern culture, has served as a stimulus and a means of mutual growth through competition as the three countries interact. 'Mutual growth through competition and cooperation' is the direction trilateral cooperation should pursue. Hoping that the ‘CJK Girls Go Tournaments’ will yield many fruits, TCS is committed to further advancing trilateral cooperation through Go." He also explained the role of TCS.
From January 2 to 4, emerging stars in women's Go from China, Japan, and the ROK, namely Wu Yiming (18), Nakamura Sumire (15), and Kim Eunji (17) will compete for future of global women's Go.

▲TCS Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup delivering congratulatory remarks

▲Group photo