Others TCS Board Members Paid an Outreach Visit to Japan
2015-07-30 ~ 2015-07-31
TCS Board members paid an outreach visit to Japan from July 30 to 31, 2015, as a final call just before the expiration of their term of office to extend their gratitude to the relevant organizations and institutions which gave full support to the TCS as well as to review past two years’ collaboration looking toward the future.
The TCS Board members paid courtesy visit to Mr. SUGIYAMA Shinsuke, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan. At the meeting, TCS Secretary-General IWATANI Shigeo briefed the achievement made by the TCS in promoting trilateral cooperation in past two years, and expressed his sincere gratitude to Mr. SUGIYAMA for his full support for the TCS’ activities. They also exchanged their views on the future course of trilateral cooperation, in which the Board members expressed their strong hope that the Trilateral Summit will be held in the nearest possible future as it will give enormous momentum to the further development of trilateral cooperation.
The TCS Board members also visited various organizations including Cabinet Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Chinese Embassy and Korean Embassy in Japan, Japan Forum for International Relations (JFIR), Keidanren, Nikkei Shimbun and Japan Foundation.

Courtesy visit to Mr. SUGIYAMA Shinsuke, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan

Meeting with Mr. YOSHIDA Daisuke, Director-General for Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Meeting with Mr. ANDO Haruhiko, Deputy Director-General for Trade Policy, and his successor, Mr. TAKAGI Seiji,
Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Meeting with Mr. ITO Kenichi, President of JFIR

Courtesy visit to Amb. CHENG Yonghua, Chinese Ambassador to Japan

Courtesy visit to Amb. YOO Heung-soo, Korean Ambassador to Japan