Others TCS Farewell and Welcome Reception was held in Seoul, ROK
The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (the “TCS”) hosted the Farewell and Welcome Reception at The Westin Chosun in Seoul, ROK, on August 27, 2015.
The Reception was held to bid farewell to Secretary-General, Mr. IWATANI Shigeo and Deputy Secretaries-General, Mr. CEHN Feng, as well as to welcome new Secretary-General, Ambassador YANG Houlan and new Deputy Secretary-General, Mr. UMEZAWA Akima. Mr. LEE Jong-heon, Deputy Secretary-General has been reappointed to his position for a second term. In total, nearly 200 participants including governmental officials, scholars, business leaders and journalists joined in this memorable ceremony.

In the Reception, Mr. IWATANI delivered his farewell speech.

After that, Ambassador. YANG made inaugural remarks
Further, to appreciate their extraordinary dedication and devotion to the TCS since its establishment, ROK Foreign Minister’s Plaque of Appreciation was presented to the outgoing board members by Mr. KIM Hyung-Jin, Deputy Minister for Planning and Coordination, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROK.
The TCS is going to enter the third phase of its stage with the new board members on September 1, 2015.

New DSG UMEZAWA Akima, Former DSG CHEN Feng, New SG Ambassador YANG Houlan, Former SG IWATANI Shigeo, DSG LEE

New SG YANG Houlan, Former SG IWATANI Shigeo