Others TCS Board Members Visited Nikkei Shimbun
On December 15, 2015, TCS board members visited Nikkei Shimbun, Japan and met with Mr. TAKEOKA Rinji, Managing Executive Officer.
TCS Secretary-General YANG Houlan expressed his gratitude for inviting the TCS to attend the 10th Northeast Asia Trilateral Forum (NATF) as an official observer. He emphasized the significant role of the NATF as a Track 2 platform to provide valuable suggestions on various areas of trilateral cooperation for its further promotion. With the view to making the NATF more practical and meaningful, SG Yang mentioned that the TCS stands ready to provide full support for implementing the follow-ups of outcomes reached in the Forum including promotion activities of 808 commonly-used Chinese characters.
Mr. TAKEOKA expressed his appreciation for the farewell dinner hosted by the TCS in the 10th NATF. Noting that the next NATF will be held in Japan, 2016 hosted by the Nikkei Shimbun, Mr. TAKEOKA showed his determination to give a full consideration to the design of the meeting in order to make more fruitful outcome.

TCS Event
- 15th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Kyoto Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 16th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 14th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Jeonju Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 15th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 13th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Qufu Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 14th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 12th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Kitakyushu Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 13th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum