Mechanisms 7th Trilateral Culture Ministers’ Meeting in Qingdao, China
The 7th Trilateral Culture Ministers’ Meeting was held in Qingdao, China on December 20th, 2015. The Meeting was presided by Mr. Luo Shugang, Minister of the Ministry of Culture of China with the participation of Mr. KIM Jong Deok, Minister of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea and Mr. Yoshiie Hiroyuki, Vice Minister of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. Dr. UMEZAWA Akima, Deputy Secretary-General of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) attended the Meeting as an observer.
At the meeting, the three Ministers reviewed the achievements of trilateral cultural cooperation, discussing the measures of further upgrading the current initiatives of East Asian Cultural Cities and Trilateral Arts Festival and promoting new cooperative projects. The Ministers also signed the Qingdao Action Plan 2015-2017, which set up the direction and goals of trilateral cultural exchange in the areas of trilateral cultural arts exchange, cultural industry, public cultural service, protection and succession of cultural heritage and cooperation in coming three years.
On behalf of the TCS, Deputy Secretary-General Umezawa Akima delivered a speech, highlighting the importance of cultural cooperation underscored by the three leaders at the 6th Trilateral Summit. Noting the development of mutual cultural understanding and people-to-people exchange, DSG Umezawa explained the progress of TCS culture-related projects and expressed his willingness to fully support the trilateral culture mechanism.
At the press conference after the meeting, Ningbo of China, Jeju of ROK and Nara of Japan were designated as 2016 East Asian Cultural Cities which will engage in vibrant trilateral cultural exchanges and programs throughout the year. As a side event of the meeting, the “Trilateral Cultural Performance” was also held on December 19, 2015, which gave the three Ministers and other audience strong impression on the profound culture of the three countries.
The next meeting will be convened in Jeju, ROK 2016.

TCS Event
- 15th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Kyoto Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 16th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 14th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Jeonju Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 15th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 13th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Qufu Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 14th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 12th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Kitakyushu Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 13th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum